
  • An Infrastructure for Open, Linked Governmental Data Provision towards Research Communities and Citizens (ENGAGE)

    This project has developed an OGD infrastructure contributing to the 2nd generation of Open Government Data platforms. The infrastructure offers ‘classical’ 1st generation functionalities to users and a comprehensive set of additional novel Web 2.0 features (data quality rating, users feedback provision to government data providers, users groups’ formation, knowledge exchange and collaboration concerning datasets’ exploitation, data processing, visualizing/linking, new datasets’ versions publication, etc.), providing support to users to generate value from ODG.

  • EU Community

    EU Community merges ICT and Social Media networking with established online media and stakeholder groups to cultivate transparency, enhance efficiency and stimulate fresh ideas for EU policy making. EU Community lays foundations for a better EU policy-making by providing tools that identify credible stakeholders and relevant documents. It provides decision makers with better policy options by combining social media interactions, qualified contributors, document curation, visual analysis plus online and offline trust-building tools.